Friday, June 19, 2009

csa weeks 3-6

I've missed af ew weeks posting pics/info on the CSA! Here is what we got week 3:

Lettuce, spinach, rhubarb, strawberries, mint, asparagus, spring onions, and peas! Yummy salads, made another rhubarb/strawberry crisp, some mojitos, and sauteed the peas with olive oil, a bit of butter, salt and pepper.

Week 4 I missed pics of week 4. I know there were more lettuces, peas, strawberries, spring onions, and mint, tomatoes and mushrooms.

Week 5: again, missed pics. or they aren't off the camera yet...not sure which. Definitely more lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, pak choi, 2 kinds of peas, turnips, white new potatoes, strawberries, and something else I'm sure I'm forgetting. Oh, the flowers- they had extras and gave them to us. Yay!

Week 6 was more lettuce, 2 kinds of peas, beets, more turnips, red new potatoes, green pepper, onions, strawberries and maybe more- don't remember again. This one I know I have a pic of on my camera.

So far we're really enjoying getting fresh veggies and fruit every week. Loving the quality of the produce- made the potatoes with the onions and pepper the other day, and they were so tender and delicious.

ETA: Pic from week 6.