Tuesday, January 06, 2009

thank you

My SP13 has struck twice in a week!! I received a package from her on Saturday, and it blew my mind! It was a pampering package, and had loads of awesome goodies! First up is a beautiful tea cup and some tea. Some bath herbs, hand cream and soap, some yummy candy, including loads of orange chocolate (my favorite!!), twizzlers and Reeses christmas bells (my other two favorite candies!). Then was a few Hanukkah goodies- a paint-your-own menorah, which Celia and I have already painted, some candles and a dreidel. SO cool! I absolutely love everything- thank you so much!!

Then, yesterday, I got home from work to see this: a package with the incredible SP13 roving from !! I am so excited to spin this up! I love the colorway so much, and it's going to be absolutely gorgeous.

I am so spoiled, thank you SO much pal!!!