I love my daughter more than everything, but she drives me crazy every time she comes home sick. In Tennessee, I noticed that she was really congested, and by the time we got her home, she was very cranky and coughing a lot. So I took her to the doctor on monday, and the doctor said that she had strep throat. Again. So, wednesday morning when I woke up with a sore throat, I wasn't the least bit surprised. Went to the doctor first thing, and I was right= I also had strep. last week I only worked tuesday and wednesday, and this week, I only worked tuesday so far, and am going to work tomorrow. This sucks, since I have very little vacation time left. And I hate getting strep! I'm now 3 for 3 with Celia- she's had it 3 times, and given it to me all of the three times. Lucky me.
At least being home gives me a littel time to knit. I started a sweater for Celia out of the purple Cascade Superwash I bought in Tennessee, and started my second sock from this bright sock yarn I bought a while ago- my March Project Spectrum project, since it has hot pink in it.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Posted by
7:35 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
stash enhancement
We got to Nashville thursday morning and did some sight seeing. After lunch we headed to the hotel in hopes that we'd be able to check in, which thankfully we were! After we got to our room, I left- to go shopping! I had googled for yarn shops nearby, and found one about 10 minutes from our hotel in Franklin. I drove up, and was really impressed! I checked out Threaded Bliss Yarns in Brentwood. I was greeted by friendly people the second I walked in! After browsing, and finding some yummy cascade superwash for a sweater for my daughter, and some absolutely gorgeous Lorna's Laces sock yarn for myself (which they kindly would for me on the coolest swift!), I headed home. I must say, thanks google for finding the shop for me, it was really great!!
Posted by
1:32 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
This weekend started out great! We got to party friday night at a work party, see lots of friends andhad a blast.
Saturday was good, we relaxed abit, watched a movie, and cleaned for the open house Sunday.
Sunday started off good. Then we left once the agent arrived for the open house. Then we got into a car accident. About a minute from home. An idiot drove through a stop sign without stopping, and ran into me. Thank goodness myself, my husband and daughter are all ok. The car is not, we don't know how much damage but it really didn't look good. I'm very sore today, and stayed home to keep an eye on my daughter, who seems fine but I wanted to make sure- since I hurt a lot more today than I did yesterday. It's really not hurt, it's more soreness/stiffness.
So that was my weekend. I'm going to rest now.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Thank You SP!!
I just realized what an A$$ I am! I received an aweosme package from my pal on monday, and I completely forgot to post on it! Such a slacker I am, I'm sorry pal!
I opened up this box, to find lots of COOL stuff! First was the copy of Peter Rabbit, which Celia grabbed immediately and ran around saying "rabbit"!! Then were the two chocolate bars, which I'm really excited about, I love chocolate! Then was this really pretty green handpainted yarn, and a pattern suggestion for Branching Out- which I've been really wanting to make! Plus the card with more info. I have pics on my camera and will upload tonight. THANKS SO MUCH!!!
Posted by
1:45 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Nashville, here I come!
Next weekend, my brother is getting married! We're all heading down to Nashville for the wedding, and are going down a day early. I've already found 2 Yarn shops I want to check out! Naughty, naughty! We should have time when we get in thursday, so I'm really excited. I can't wait to get away for a few days. I need a break!
Posted by
10:47 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
house stuff
It's been a crazy weekend! Friday night I went to a party for a bit at a co-workers apartment. Unfortunately Celia crashed and we had to leave before dinner even started! I had planned on going back after I dropped her off at home, but when I arrived home, my SIL and BIL were there! I didn't expect them until after 10, and was happy that they were early! Sadly I called my friend and told her that I couldn't come back, she was disappointed, but since I see Carolyn and Tom just a few times a year, I wanted to spend some time with them.
Yesterday we had our home inspection! Thankfully all is good, no major damage, just a few little things to take care of. It's really looking like this will be the house! I'm WAY too excited, and I'm starting to get attatched. I shall upload a pic of the house, and one of my Soon-To-Be Craft area!
Posted by
8:41 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
finally, some progress!
Since I've packed up my stash (sniff, sniff!), I have been working on just one project (besides the Flower Basket Shawl that I haven't touched in two weeks). The one project has actually been one I've been meaning to do for a while. I started making more squares for my SnB's charity blanket project. I had taken a grouping of squares to put together, but since there weren't enough squares for a whole blanket (yes, i did do that on purpose), I'm finishing it up! And I lvoe the instant gratification of finishing squares.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Unfortunately I don't have enough time in every day! I have hardly had time to do much more than clean the house! In the last week, a lot has happened. We listed our townhouse on the market, we put in an offer on a house- which was accepted!, and we're getting ready for an open house. We also had a wine tasting party friday night after work, which was a lot of fun. Definitely tried a lot of new wines, and had a great time.
Last night, Nathan and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary, by going to The Melting Pot. I had always wanted to go there, but finally got there last night. The food was incredible! We had a blast, and were completely stuffed when we left. I don't want to know how many points I ate, but I'll behave from now on. It was SO worth it.
Posted by
8:30 AM