Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I finally finished the front to my daughter's Alphabet Sweater (from one of Debbie Bliss' books)!! I went to sew the shoulder together, and I noticed something odd, the front is MUCH smaller than the back. I look at the cables, and there are the same number of twists. Then I look at the tightness of the stitches. This is where my problem is! I love this sweater so much, and I've taken about 6 months to make it, maybe more. Apparently in the time I've been knitting this sweater, my knitting style has changed a bit. I'm much tighter of a knitter. The back is probably two inches wider and longer than the front. Unfortunately this sweater has taken a long time, and I need to put it together now, instead of re-knit the back or front to match. Just my luck. I am not sure if it will work, but I"ll try anything.